What do you drink to keep you fueled and ready to go when your life is full of surf , travel, action and motherhood and everything in between? Bethany says the SALAD SMOOTHIE- her family’s current go to smoothie!

This is the kind of drink you can basically feel alkalizing your body with the all the turmeric, ginger, mint and jam packed greens!
Bethany and her beautiful little family were our neighbors this past week which was a lot of fun and the other day she shared with us one of her go to smoothies and it was awesome!! So of course I got to share it with you too.
I don’t think she needs an intro but for those of you that don’t know her… she is a pro surfer, motivational speaker, mamma bear to this blue eyed heart breaker, wifey, a friend to everyone she meets, a huge health advocate and spends her energies promoting and encouraging all things good. Basically she is a super hero and there should be a action figure designed after her (if there isn’t already.. ;).

- Mix in Vitamix for best results (;
- Half Thumb of ginger and tumeric
- Few mint leaves, parsley, or cilantro for extra healthy
- Half lemon
- Half Apple
- Half cucumber
- Handful of spinach
- A few stalks of celery
- Carrot
- Handful of ice cubes
- Cup of water
- Optional- Scoop Amazing Grass ” Lemon lime green super food” powder
*Thanks for sharing and just being awesome doing you! Much love to you and your beautiful little family!

And here is the start of our garden!! Pretty soon we will be able to pick our on mint and such for our smoothies and salads! Love that the neighbor friends and all want to help out! Sofia, my good friend here, and I are going see if we can keep this thing alive and expand it if all goes well! Bethany had some coffee grinds to add which I didn’t know works as a great fertilizer! (Ill make another post some day sharing all the tips we are learning along the way for starting a little garden 🙂
Hope all is well!
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